hemp peeling salt

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Perk up your tired skin with this mix of natural rock salt, ground hemp leaves and hemp seeds. It stimulates and purifies your skin. hanf&natur peeling salt can be combined with all of the care products in the range. Mixed with relaxing body oil it works actively against cellulite.

Bestandteile INCI: Sales (natural rock salt), Cannabis sativa stem powder* (ground), Cannabis sativa seedcake powder*
*=certified organic cultivation

Free from synthetic fragances. No artificial colours and preservatives. GM-free.
no animal testing
keeping the HCS standard
certified organic cosmetic content: 750 g


Perk up your tired skin with this mix of natural rock salt, ground hemp leaves and hemp seeds. It stimulates and purifies your skin. hanf&natur peeling salt can be combined with all of the care products in the range. Mixed with relaxing body oil it works actively against cellulite.

Bestandteile INCI: Sales (natural rock salt), Cannabis sativa stem powder* (ground), Cannabis sativa seedcake powder*
*=certified organic cultivation

Free from synthetic fragances. No artificial colours and preservatives. GM-free.
no animal testing
keeping the HCS standard
certified organic cosmetic content: 750 g


hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com
hanf & natur . Gerberstraße 24 . 51789 Lindlar . Deutschland
+49(0)2266 90 10 571 info@hanf-natur.com

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Alle Preise mit Rücksichtnahme auf Tippfehler unter Vorbehalt. Die Preise verstehen sich als Nettopreise zuzüglich Mehrwertsteuer und sind nur Geschäftskunden vorbehalten.
Endkunden: hanf-natur.com · Händler: hanf-grosshandel.de · International: hemp-wholesale.com

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